In the midst of all this, you may not have thought about something as mundane as filing your income taxes. Discuss with your tax accountant these issues:
- The advantages to finalizing divorce before the end of the year
- The advantages to finalizing divorce after the end of the year
- Filing jointly versus filing individually
- Is it reasonable to expect you and your spouse are amiable to filing jointly if necessary?
Your lawyer and tax accountant will have their own checklists which will cover in great detail the variables in your state's divorce laws. This checklist is just meant to get you discussing the basic information with your spouse so you can start gathering the necessary documentation.
When the time comes to walk into the lawyer's office, you want to have as much paperwork ready to hand over as possible. This cuts down on the discussion in front of your lawyer, which will reduce your costs. Preparation will ease the process, and with such a volatile situation as divorce, the more you can avoid chaos, the better the final outcome will be.
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