Surviving a Divorce Takes Guts

In last month's posts, I walked you through the basics of collaborative divorce. In this month's posts, I'm going to walk you through the process of preparing for the divorce.

The first, and most important thing you should know is that to survive divorce, you must have guts.

Whether the decision to divorce was yours, or whether you were blindsided, you're going to need strong intestinal fortitude (aka, GUTS) to make it through this process.

Surviving divorce takes guts, but it also takes a good support system. Start by preparing yourself with the information in this blog concerning all aspects of divorce, from the decision to the healing. In upcoming posts, you'll find a helpful checklist to guide you through the paperwork with your attorney. We'll also reference books by some of the best authors on the subject of divorce so you can delve even deeper into what you need to prepare yourself.

Remember:  a divorce doesn't begin with filing the petition and end with the final decree. Divorce involves much more than paperwork; it involves hard work.

I hope you'll find the tools you need in this blog to successfully walk through your divorce and heal from the process.

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